Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng)

ashwagandha, winter cherry, indian ginseng)
Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng)
Ashwagandha Powder & Tonic

Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng)

Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herb in Ayurvedic medicines. It is a Rasayana (tonic) because of its rejuvenating properties and is also called as “Indian Ginseng”
In Sanskrit Ashwagandha means ‘The smell of a horse’ indicating that the herb infuses the vigour and strength of a horse to the user. Root extract is used for the therapeutic properties.
It is traditionally been prescribed to strengthen the immune system after an illness. It has adaptogenic properties means it helps body to adopt to various stresses and cope with them.

Ayurvedic Properties-

Taste (Rasa)-Bitter, Pungent, Sweet
Quality (Guna)-Light (Laghu), Oiliness (Snigdha)
Potency (Virya)-Hot
Properties after digestion (Vipaka)-Sweet
Natural effect (Prabhav) –It pacifies Vata & Kapha , so useful in Vata and Kapha disorder.

Benefits of Ashwagandha-

1. Anti-Stress- It alleviates stress, anxiety, palpitation and depression . As it is stress reliver helps in high blood pressure and Insomnia related to Stress.
2. Nerve tonic- It gives strength to the neuromuscular system and helpful in nerve related disorders like Sciatica, Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis
3. Immunity booster- Increases immunity to cold and infections
4. Male tonic-It is a sexual stamina enhancer. It is useful in erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, premature ejaculation and Infertility
5. Anti-inflammatory – it relieves joint pain and is useful in Rheumatoid arthritis. It also helps in preventing calcium deficiency.
6. Thyroid-It lowers Cortisol and balances thyroid hormone.
7. It is useful in Diabetic neuropathy, weakness, fatigue and weight loss due to Diabetes.
8. It enhances physical as well as mental stamina.

Ashwagandharishtam –

It is ashwagandha based liquid preparation used as a health tonic . It is also a nervine tonic and immunity booster.

For any health issues or stress management Contact our Drs at

Om Vedic Heritage Centre @ 43, Tessensohn Road , Tel-62972670
Or Ayurveda Pharamacy @ 8, Belilios Lane , Tel- 63415020

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